I read a couple chapters of one of the books and enjoyed it so I made a point of recommending it to her. She took it on the plane with her on her way back to her lair in Mexico.
Yesterday I received an email from her via her friend, "Mary" (name changed to protect her from evil) She often sends me messages from EWO with a smuggled cryptic message to me about how things really are.
This is the email:
Hi Kat. Trip was fine but no sleep but I had a nice nap at "Mary's". Say,that book about 11 yr old is no good,you can do much better, Stupid book. Hot here. oxoxxoo,Love ya, Mom
(cryptic message)
She once got a book from me that I just finished & read a couple of pages & tore it up??? Love, "Mary"

You better protect that name!
Where do you get the patience to keep trying?
At least she remains cheerful.
Jadey: LOL!!
Bob: I. Don't. Know. Maybe bi-product of insanity?? :D
Laoch: *snort!*
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