Monday, May 21, 2007

Itchy Twitchy: Halfway There

"Sometimes when I'm supposed to be quiet
And I'm trying to be perfectly still
The strangest feeling comes over me
It's kind of itchy, kind of twitchy..."

Here it is, Folks. Two weeks into my recovery. I took a month off of work so that puts me at the Halfway Mark today.
How time flies when one is laying around scritching at their belly scar.

I don't know how I feel about going back to work, knowing that my job is obsolete in November. How does one go on giving dedication to a place that is just keeping you around to fill in the gap til they dump you?

12 years I've been at this job, people. Twelve. Years.

It's going to be strange to leave. Strange to enter a new place with new people. I'll miss my coworkers. They are a great bunch of people. We've spent so much time together that we have our own language. I'm going to hate not being part of their lives anymore.

Meh. Forgive me. I'm feeling restless and melancholy this morning. WAY too much time on my hands to think.
And scritch at scars.


aafrica said...

that sucks! can you take your coworkers with you?

Haphazardkat said...

Aafrica: we're all talking about finding a place with multiple openings so we can transfer together :)

Anonymous said...

Get one of those cats to scritch you for a bit with thier scritchy tongue...
Ew! why did I say that :P
(slinks back to cooking dinner & her glass of bourban)

Haphazardkat said...

*sneakies and steals Jadey's glass of bourban and zoooms away*

Sultan said...

hk, leaving your job early if possible might well be a rational strategy.

Haphazardkat said...

Laoch: I agree with you.