This weekend (before the surgery) I am headed to the beach with my girlfriends. One last hurrah before the big SNIP.
Monday morning, I go in to have my dysfunctional Uterus removed.
This might keep me from blogging for awhile as I will be in the hospital until Thursday.
But, you know I'll be back.
I'm facing a month long sofa incarceration so I'll be back blogging as soon as possible.
Woo hoo! Drug induced Kat Posts!
Let the insanity Rollllllll!
MiniMe age 5
Enjoy your weekend to the MAX! I shall be thinking of you (and tossing a few prayers your way if you so desire) next week!
Look forward to those drug-induced posts - a Kat on demerol should be a marvelous thing indeed!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugs and many scritches my friend!
the Other Dragon
those uteruses can be a real pain.
tell it goodbye for me
Dragonlady(beth): My uterus and I think thee for thine prayers :D and scritches!!!
I'm going to be on Morphine (to begin with) and Oxy something...WOO!
Bo Snagely: I was contimplating sticking it in a bottle and hawking it on ebay--watchu think? Maybe that crazy buying Casino place (the one that bought the toast that had the Virgin Mary image on it) would buy it??
A Kat must support herself somehow!
I like the photo. :-)
Loofa: LOL--thanks! It has a good story behind it. It was my 15 seconds of fame.
You look very happy in that photo!
Get some solid rest before your procedure.
Good luck with your surgery Kat.
My Honey Bunny had to go through the same thing a couple of years ago (she had cysts and suffered from severe cramping for about 6 weeks before they decided the offending organ must go).
Afterwards, she asked her doc if she could have the thing. Doc asked, "Why on Earth would you want that?" HB replied, "After all I've gone through, I want to go run over the damn thing with my car."
Laoch: I was in my element. A place where EWO was missing. :)
Mike: Thank you! and LOL LOL LOL at your HB wanting to drive it over with her car!! Fiesty. I love that!
Kisses & HUGS!!! I'll be thinking of you!
Ebay-EW gross!!! :D
can't wait for the morphine induced Kat Rant. but before that, have fun at the beach, and get yourself an even tan to show off on the surgery table :D
Oh Kat!! I hope everything goes... err, comes out well! The offending organ, I mean..! You seem to be going into this in good spirits so I guess you are ready!! Looking foward to 'Drugged Kat' posts!! (Will the doctors prescribe Catnip???)
The Ebay idea sounds good!! But the 'running it over with a truck' sounds better!!
Get well soon so we can hear the story behind that great pic!!
Take care baby!!!
Jadey: big hugsss back to ya! hehehe--ebayyy's gonnaaa makeeee me richhhhh...lol! :D
Aafrica: We people in the Northwest don't tan...we RUST! :D I shall return speedily and rant ludicrously just for you :D
Bob: Oh lordie...I have too vivid of an imagination NOT to hear the ssssssssquish sound THAT would make!! lol
I will endevour to return and post the story behind...MiniMe pic :D
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