1. A week of laying down...sucks.
2. It hurts like a Mother &^$#! when I sneeze.
Good news is: I got my staples out today! WOO! I now have a dandy taped up smiley scar that stretches across my lower abdomen. I guess the world can't be all bad when one's got a permanent smile cut into their belly!
I cannot believe how many women have had this surgery done. They've come out of the shadows, like some sort of silent X-Uterus Cult, and laid their hands on me claiming me as "one of their own".
I went and got my hair cut today after the staple removal appointment. My hairdresser recognized my crab like hunched over walk and launched into the tale of her own war with the Failed Uterus. We bonded over hair snippage and X-Uterus tales.
Ahh good times. Good times.
Until tomorrow, Folks. Belly Smile--OUT.

I hope you feel better soon.
i could have taken your staples out and i would have charged less than the doctor.
Laoch: Thank you :) I'm feeling better as each day passes. I'm just not the most patient of kats.
Sagley: Niceeeeee LOL!!
A smiley scar on the Kat??
Glad you're feeling better!!
u have a nice sense of humour for something that must be quite painful :) ur right, a lot of women have that done, my mom is one of them..hope ur recover soon..
*here from Loofa's blog
Hey! If you are out getting haircuts and going to doctors appointments and stuff then you need to get your butt back to work! =) Glad things are going well. Don't forget us here!
Bob: This way if someone hangs me upside down I'll be fffffffrowning at them! *snort*
Miss Muffet: If one cannot laugh at the crazy crap in life--life would be sooo boring, don't you think?? :D
Glad you slipped in from Loofa's blogland! :D
Chris: ha ha ha ha! I told mikey today to tell you to be sure and put a sofa in the room for me!! He kept shrieking KEGORATOR! So I'm not sure he gave you my message--:D
See you in JUNE!! dammit!!
Chris: P.S. I saw a bumper sticker that made me laugh (then hiss and say ow ow ow ow from laughing)
It said: Jesus is Foshizzle!
HA HA HA HA HA ow ow ow dammit! HA HA HA HA HA ow....DAMMIT!
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