Isn't medical science amazing now?
I'm still high from the anesthesia drugs and my throat is sore but I'm here!!
This should conclude the surgeries for awhile. Which is grand because I'm starting to feel a bit like a Thanksgiving Turkey that's gone under Grandpa's Electric Knife.
Ohhhhhh Oxycodone you're my friend. La la la la la
Sing it with me now!
La la la la laaaaaa...
Must. End. Blog. Now. I'm flyingggggg. Weeeeeeee!

that's a lot of cutting they've done to you. how are you? ... other than ... er ... happy?
Aafrica: Actually, I'm doing great! I was able to use my voice right away and the pain is very minimal. Drugs are slowly wearing off :) so I'm gradually floating back to earth :D
WAIT!! Throat Surgery?? THROAT SURGERY??????? What for?? WHAT???????????? Are you OK???
Last time I had throat surgery they stole my vocal cords and hid them from me!! (maybe they ran over them ????) Bastards!!! Something called cancer!!
But I cheated muteness and fought back!! heh heh!! Now you can't shut me up!!!
Hope you're OK!! I really do!!!!!
Enough cutting already!!!
Bob: LOL. Breathe breathe...
I thought I told you that I have polyps that grow on my vocal chords (I have since I was 9 yrs old) and have to occassionally have them taken (lasered) off.
It's a day surgery. I'm in and out in a few hours.
No more cutting on the kat for awhile :) YAY :D
It's me, Theresa.
That cat photo is too cute - it makes me think of Charo. *hootchey cootchey!*
Theresa: *grin*
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