I've been tagged by Bob! So here goes, people.
A - Attached or single? Attached.
B - Best friend? Kira
C - Cake or pie? Boysenberry Pie! Mmmmm.
D - Drink of choice? Coffee with Hazelnut creamer
E - Essential item? Cellphone
F - Favorite color? Pink
G - Gummi bears or worms? Worms!
H - Hometown? Vancouver, Wa
I - Indulgence? Playing Diablo 2 or DungeonRunner
J – Jail, Been There? Only in Monopoly life :)
K - Kids? MiniWarrior and Guido-the-cat.
L - Life is incomplete without? MiniWarrior, Guido, Lord Voldemort and his dog.
M - Marriage Date - I've blocked it from my mind...
N - Number of siblings? 3 adopted. 3 birth.
O - Oranges or apples? Oranges
P - Phobia/fears? large spiders with hairy legs. Brrr!
Q - Favorite quote? Tyrants have not yet discovered any chains that can fetter the mind. (don't know who said it)
R - Reasons to smile? Snuggly hugs from people I love.
S - Season? Fall
T - Tag three. Loofa, Aafrica and Jadey!
U - Unknown fact about me? I used to be severely pigeon-toed.
V - Vegetarian or oppressor of animals? Oppressor of Animals. What's life without a good steak, hamburger or seafood platter????
W - Worst habit? Procrastination
X - X-rays or ultrasounds?? Neither, thank you very much!
Y - Can you Yoyo? I used to! Knew tricks like "around the world" and "walk the dog"
Z - Zodiac? Cancer

Ugh, evil tagger.
hooray! me time :)
LOL!! Good one!!! Loved the pic too!~ LMAO!!
Never do today what you can put off till tomorrow.............
thats my motto and i'm stickin to it!
the Other Dragon
Loofa: hehehehe. One evil tag deserves another!
Aafrica: YAY! :D
Bob: Points at you and looks at Loofa--HE started it!!
Beth: AMEN! 'course...if you had a motto and were a procrastinator...would that mean you would stick to it--tomorrow? :D
Your quote is from Charles Caleb Colton. Love your blog!
- Ted (tlheidemann)
Ted: Thank you! I had that quote on my other blog site before moving here and didn't remember who had said it :)
Have you played DungeonRunner?
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