I received a call from his teacher.
Teacher: Hey, I'm calling because there was an incident that happened today during recess.
Me: Oh Lord. What did MiniWarrior do?
Teacher: Oh no no. MiniWarrior didn't do anything. He's just fine.
Me: (phew!) So what happened?
Teacher: Well...it seems that two of his friends told him that they were going to kill his Dad, his Step Mom and his baby brother.
Me: What the....?!!
Teacher: I'm so sorry. MiniWarrior came in from recess and had told me that the boys were teasing him on the playground. I had to get the class settled so I told him I'd be right back to talk to him.
An Aide came and told me that MiniWarrior was VERY upset and was sobbing and trying to calm himself down on the calm down swing.
Me: Oh god...
Teacher: I went and talked to him and that's when he told me about what they boys had said. He was sobbing and saying he didn't want to lose his family...
Me: You know...this is a horrible time for this to happen to him. He's just lost his Grandma and Grandpa in the past couple of months and he's very afraid of losing anymore family members..
Teacher: I'm so sorry! I had no idea!
Me: Fricken bad timing...I can't believe this...
Teacher: Well both boys got Red Cards (which mean no recess for 3 days)...
Me: Who the heck says this kind of thing?!
Teacher: I know the boys, I feel they were probably just mimicking something they heard on T.V...
I swear, this is Karma payback for watching 5 seasons of Soprano's in a single month!
MiniWarrior was not home when I watched them...but I wonder...were the parents of the other boys watching the show when their boys were home?
As far as the two future crew members of Tony Soprano...we demanded that more be done then Red Cards. Their parents were called and they were pulled into the Principle's office for a conference with the parents. The principle wasn't giving me specifics but I believe they both were suspended for a day. Counselors are being made available for MiniWarrior for the next few school days...
The bright note in all of this?
I was not on the hit list.

poor guy,how horrible :(
man, that cat pic is too funny
Geez! The things that kids are exposed to!
I hope MiniWarrior has calmed down.
Television has so much effect on young minds. I hope Mini is OK and calming down. The parents are the ones who need a suspension!! GRRRR!!! And TV privleges should be taken away! maybe 40 days in jail with Paris will help!! .......Nah!! Too easy! Too much fun teasing her!
Hope you had an otherwise great weekend! Poke Miniwarrior for me!! LOL!! He's a GREAT kid!!
Jadey: He was pretty upset when he got home...I'm glad I had a few hours before seeing him to calm myself down!
Loofa: It is amazing...what kind of kid says that sort of thing??
Bob: I actually know one of the parents. They boy comes from a very good home life. They work hard on scheduling, etc with him...it's very suprising the malice that came out of their mouths at that age. teasing...pfft. That was sociopathic talk!
it's plain badness of those boys!
Aafrica: Indeed!
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