God help us all.
MiniWarrior has pleaded with me to take him camping.
God help me.
MiniWarrior no longer sleeps in his bed. He has a tent set up in his room and has been living in that. It's slowly filling with toys. I hear *rattle* *crinkle* *crack* *clang* coming from within its walls when he moves in his sleep and dreams of the various adventures he is going to drag me into this Summer.
Send help.

Camping????? Oh the humanity ...
Laoch: ...I know. :| *shudder*
so the bedroom is your solution to a camping ground? brilliant.
Aafrica: That's my plan so far...*crosses fingers* that he grows tired of tent living before I actually HAVE to take him camping. *whimper*
Nice! I think I'll try camping in my living room soon. Next to the fireplace.
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