We made:
Melanzane Parmigiano appetizers
gnocchi with wild greens and classic tomato sauce
Pork Shank Osso buco with roasted fennel and leek blossoms
and fried mascarpone polenta
It was a grand time of cooking, feasting and sharing multiple bottles of wine with good friends!
It was also a fitting way to celebrate the end of Soprano's. Although the finale show was disappointing, I salute the show that has brought me much entertainment while I was recuperating post surgery.
Arrivederci Tony, Crew and family. You'll be missed!

Kak - hak - kakahak, I think the Soprano's finale gave me a hairball. Totally anticlimactic.
are these (those in the picture) the people you went cooking class with? cool! :D
mmmm, well the menu sounds delish!
Mike: LOL! It was disappointing but I'm so glad they didn't "whack" Tony!!
Aafrica: No, but the head chef/owner that taught us looked a lot like Christopher from Sopranos and shared his name! He was hot...purrrr purrrr
Pinknest: It was delishious! Suprisingly, the deep fried eggplant was the tastiest.
O S S O B U C C O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My FAV!!! Had the best ever at a traditional Italian restaurant last Saturday!!!
(Is it bad that I like eating baby lambs???) I guess someone has to.
Bob: I didn't care too much for that. It tasted gamey, even after we seared and baked it in delicious broth. *pleh*
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