“SLAP!” Tick… tick… tick… tick… tick.
It’s the beginning of rude awakenings; a preamble to what life will deal you throughout your lifespan.
In my early teens I watched a television interview of a 103 year old woman.
“What is the secret to your longevity?” The fresh faced reporter asked.
“You’ve got to roll with what life throws at you and keep moving.” The aged wise one answered.
Sage advice I took to heart and have spent the last 25 years following. Every time life’s hand has reached down and knocked me to the ground, I’ve rolled. Like a proverbial bowling ball: Rolling, rolling, rolling, right on down life’s lane.
Some people would say that it’s good that life smacks you from time to time so you keep moving instead of lying stagnant. While I agree with the principle idea of that, I can’t help but find those people annoying and secretly wish for them to be infested with a boiling pus filled case of poison ivy; and for that life smacking hand to develop a severe case of carpal tunnel syndrome.
I’m just saying.

yay! at long last, acrobat cat!
that's a very wise advice from the old lady. there is really no point to argue with life. you never win. might as well just "roll with it".
I know EXACTLY what you mean!! Now go to my MSN space, turn on your speakers and listen!! I think you'll like... and agree!
The foot seems to be doing better today!! WooooHoooo!!!
Yes, pus filled boils seems to be the appropriate punishment for that helpful statement. :p
Yipes! I've never felt that way about anyone :O
(not even my guy)
I love that last post & your kitty pics :)
Aafrica: Rollinnnnn Rollinnnn...I'm hoping for a grassy hill to roll on for a bit instead of the rocky one of late!!
Bob: Love it!!! and hurrahhhh! for your foot feeling better! :D *hugss*
MrsX: *inserts tongue in cheek* ;)
Jadey: nawwww--I'm just being sarcastic :) *hugsssss that jadey one* :D
Existential dread is awful.
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