I had received the OK from my Doctor for this activity as long as I didn't push things too hard. I gotta tell you, it felt so good to be healthy again!
My body is healing quickly now. Energy is returning.
On another note: MiniWarrior is hitting pre-teen stage. *sigh* He is at the glorious age of 9 and letting me know he's not a "baby" anymore by daily eye rolling in my direction followed by "paleaseeee" and "whateverrrr" conversations.
I'm no longer the "hero Mom"...I'm now the "obnoxious enforcer of rules and ruin~er of fun~ness"
Good times, Folks. Good. Times.

That picture is too funny!! Jabba the Cat!!! LMAO!!
Glad you're healing quickly. I WAS until Saturday when my foot went all to hell! Traitor!!! So back to the Dr. to start over! GRRRRR
I'll know more tomorrow....
As for Miniwarrior.... UH OH!! But not to worry. It's just another stage in life! YOUR life!! :)
Keep healing,
Hopefully he will learn not to obey.
Bob: oh no!! I was so hoping you were done with the foot problems!
:( I hope its just a temporary set back for you.
*big hugsss*
Jadey: Meh, young vs old arguement is on what job I am going to pursue after mine ends in November. :)
Laoch: Oh he has that one down! lol
oh god. it's your turn now. i think it's downhill all the way from here. ... until maybe one day he has kids of his own.
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