I received a call at work yesterday from one of my friends.
Me: Hello?
Friend: When are you going to be home?
Me: 5?
Friend: I'll be there. I got you something you're gonna love!
Me: Really? What?? WHAT??
Friend: Ain't tellin'. See you at 5!
I zoomed home after work. My friend along with her daughter had beat me there.
She grinned real big and handed me this.

I opened it and found this!

Girl squeal!!


XOXO to my friend!!
how nice
so which is it...an African American Hello Kitty? or ChocoCat with a hairbow? She's cute, whichever she is!!!!!!!!
I hadda go looking.... http://www.sanrio.com/characters/
ps: Happy Fat Tuesday!
she looks like leather...
Details lady, we need details!!!
Laochie: I have very nice friends :D
Dragonlady: LOL--its Hello Kitty Couture! Nordstrom carries it now!
Jadey: She's Plether!!! with shiny latex boots.
omg. shes so CUTE!!!!
i've never seen a black hello kitty before. they sure diversify themselves.
Aafrica: HK crosses all cultures :D
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