I didn't get to bed til 1:45 AM.
She managed to piss me off 2 minutes after she entered my house.
I had to be at work today at 6:30 AM.
I'm tired.
She's roaming my house. ALONE. Right this very moment.
Filling it with her evil wrinkledness.
This does not please the Kat.

Surveillance cam?
Laoch: ha ha ha ha!! *shudder*
I won't recommend spiking her food with sleeping pills. But, you might keep some wine handy (for yourself, of course).
Loofa: Hmmmmm...*strokes Kat chin* sleeping pills. Hmmm *stroke stroke*
You know I've heard it said that evil cannot stand goodness...so get down to a Catholic church, hook up a firehose to the holy water fountain & hose her gnarly, bony *ss back to Mexico!
You'd be doing the forces of good a favor IMHO.
~kira brat ;-D
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