We went and picked up my friend and her husband at the Portland Airport Thursday evening. Let me tell was so wonderful to finally see and hug the person, who's life I've shared for 6 years over the computer and phone. SIX YEARS!
She fit exactly into the image I had of her in my minds eye. The bonus was that her husband was just as awesome and he and my man hit it off wonderfully. They were inseparable all weekend. Heads together, yakking for hours. That was an added unexpected niceness!
My friend and I didn't talk over much. We spent a lot of the time just relaxing in each others company like we had been around each other forever. I was asked, at one point, if my friend and I had caught up on all the girl conversation. I laughed and said that we've spent the last 6 years talking to each other every day over the computer and phone that we didn't have any "talking" to catch up on!
We got together with all our local friends in one big weekend party. Everyone loved them and they fit into the group perfectly.
We got up early and set them off on the plane back to New Jersey, Sunday morning. We stood outside the security lines and waved until we couldn't see them anymore. *sigh* It's so hard to think of them all the way back across the United States from us now.
Airplanes do make things convenient for visiting, but with kids and jobs and life in general...I don't know when the next time will be that I get to hug my friend again.
It is nice that now when I talk about various friends by name to her and places that we spend time at, she will now be able to picture what I am talking about.
Gooooood times, Folks. Good times.

That's great! It's not surprising that your friendship was just as strong in person, or even better, but I'm sure there was some nervousness. It just goes to show that a friendship doesn't hinge on proximity.
It's nice when things go better than expected. You are on a roll!
Loofa: I love the fact that I got to know my friend from the inside before I actually saw the outside of her :)
She is beautiful.
Laoch: 'Tis Grandness! :D
she brought you a horse? some friend you have there!
Aafrica: Actually, I've had that horse. It was a Valentines gift a few years ago from my guy. We were headed to a party when we had this picture taken. The horse "prop" was a hit :D
*snugsssssssssss ma kat*
We had a super time with you and furrman and so sad we had to leave! I will never ever forget all the stuff we saw (and did) while we were there wiff yoos.
Now I just gotta rope you into visiting me in Jersey! *weg* mmuuuhahahahahhaaaaaaa
~kira brat
kira: It was a grand time. I dozed off during the James Bond that a tongue mark I see on my big screen???
I'm so CSI'ing it.
*snugssss* :D
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