7:00 AM: Calls made to school attendance and bus barn to inform them MiniWarrior would not be in attendance today. Was that a hiss of relief I heard? I stare at the phone with suspicious eyes blurred with sleep.
7:30 AM: One Raspberry Jelly filled donut, Juice, and yogurt consumed MiniWarrior's moves onto battling Count Duku in the Lego Star Wars Video game.
9:00 AM: I'm upstairs chatting with a girlfriend on messenger while Guido-the-cat snoozes peacefully at the top of the stairs.
9:05 AM: Guido rolls over in his sleep and plummets down the stairs with a squawk and frantic clawing at the carpet.
9:10 AM: Guido is once again ensconced at top of stairs eyeing me balefully, plotting some kind of feline revenge for my laughter at his expense.
10:00 AM: I am spurred on to make first pot of coffee by 9 yr old MiniWarrior going through caffeine withdrawals. (who's idea was it to feed this kid coffee?? Makes note: blame on Ex.)
12:00 PM: Pay kid back for 6:30 AM wake-up by making him go out and get the Mail from the Mailbox dressed in footie PJ's wearing my Mary Jane shoes. hehehe. Mom power, rules.
1:00 PM: MiniWarrior has put himself in auto pilot whine mode. Toys litter the house and Dora Dora is playing on the TV. (make note: if I hear "backpack backpack" one more friggen time...I cannot be held responsible for mayhem that will follow...)
The day is only half over.

Sniffle, sneeze, cough ....
Laoch: *chops a Halls cough drop in half and hands it to you*
Blah! Keep away from me! I don't you spreading all your gooey germs over at MY site!
(Get well soon.)
Kay: too late. I left a smear on page two of your blog. ;)
Bob: Naw. I kept him home again. It was early release day anyway. We did get a call from his teacher. I guess there is Strep Throat going around at his school. I'm doubly glad I kept him home!
s me, Theresa.
I wonder if your poor old Guido has what my Tyler has, "Feline herpes?"
It's a respiratory illness for cats, a cytomegalovirus? It's extremely contagious.
Oh my goodness! I remember when my Levi was sleeping on his back, yawned, and then rolled over -- right off the edge of the bed. tehehe.
I hope you are feeling better.
Drink teac with licorice in it like Throat Coat. That will help bunches.
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