Thursday, March 08, 2007

Trapped In A House Of Sickness

6:30 AM: My bed shakes and the covers are ripped from my warm sleepy body as MiniWarrior crawls into my bed greeting me with a "Hack" and a "Wheeze".

7:00 AM: Calls made to school attendance and bus barn to inform them MiniWarrior would not be in attendance today. Was that a hiss of relief I heard? I stare at the phone with suspicious eyes blurred with sleep.

7:30 AM: One Raspberry Jelly filled donut, Juice, and yogurt consumed MiniWarrior's moves onto battling Count Duku in the Lego Star Wars Video game.

9:00 AM: I'm upstairs chatting with a girlfriend on messenger while Guido-the-cat snoozes peacefully at the top of the stairs.

9:05 AM: Guido rolls over in his sleep and plummets down the stairs with a squawk and frantic clawing at the carpet.

9:10 AM: Guido is once again ensconced at top of stairs eyeing me balefully, plotting some kind of feline revenge for my laughter at his expense.

10:00 AM: I am spurred on to make first pot of coffee by 9 yr old MiniWarrior going through caffeine withdrawals. (who's idea was it to feed this kid coffee?? Makes note: blame on Ex.)

12:00 PM: Pay kid back for 6:30 AM wake-up by making him go out and get the Mail from the Mailbox dressed in footie PJ's wearing my Mary Jane shoes. hehehe. Mom power, rules.

1:00 PM: MiniWarrior has put himself in auto pilot whine mode. Toys litter the house and Dora Dora is playing on the TV. (make note: if I hear "backpack backpack" one more friggen time...I cannot be held responsible for mayhem that will follow...)

The day is only half over.



Sultan said...

Sniffle, sneeze, cough ....

Haphazardkat said...

Laoch: *chops a Halls cough drop in half and hands it to you*

Anonymous said...

Blah! Keep away from me! I don't you spreading all your gooey germs over at MY site!

(Get well soon.)

Haphazardkat said...

Kay: too late. I left a smear on page two of your blog. ;)

Haphazardkat said...

Bob: Naw. I kept him home again. It was early release day anyway. We did get a call from his teacher. I guess there is Strep Throat going around at his school. I'm doubly glad I kept him home!

Anonymous said...

s me, Theresa.

I wonder if your poor old Guido has what my Tyler has, "Feline herpes?"

It's a respiratory illness for cats, a cytomegalovirus? It's extremely contagious.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I remember when my Levi was sleeping on his back, yawned, and then rolled over -- right off the edge of the bed. tehehe.

I hope you are feeling better.

Drink teac with licorice in it like Throat Coat. That will help bunches.