Monday, March 05, 2007

Nocturnal Kat

I'm working the Graveyard shift this week for a coworker (who's on vacation). It's strange to stand by the windows, on my break at work, and look out upon a sleeping city.


Sultan said...

I find the night very soothing. Good for getting things done and no risk of sunburn.

Jay said...

The world is a different place at night, and it's always interesting how people adapt to doing their living in the darkness.

aafrica said...

did you get the Graveyard Shift treatment?

Haphazardkat said...

Laoch: I used to be a night owl until I became a Mom. I'd never go to bed before 2am. Now I can barely stay up til 10! gads...

Jay: It is very interesting.

Aafrica: The only graveyard treatment I received was burial in paperwork :P

Sultan said...

You must be relieved to be leaving the vampire lifestyle behind.

Anonymous said...

I used to love the graveyard shift.

At least YOU get a window. ; )

There's a sense of peace there, isn't there? And quite a camaraderie with other yardies.