Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hide Me!

Phone conversation yesterday at work:

*ring ring*

Me: Hello?

Coworker: I've got your Mom on the phone.

Me: God help me...*sigh* OK. Transfer her to me.

Mom: Hello?

Me: Hi Mom

Mom: Hi! I'm flying into Portland tomorrow at 11:55pm. Can you pick me up?

Me: Tomorrow?? At MIDNIGHT?

Mom: Yes. I got a really good deal on a flight.


Mom: Yes. I can ask Jodi to pick me up.

Me: Mom. She's half blind, crippled from a recent knee replacement.

Mom: Well yes...but her son can...

Me: No. He's traveling.

Mom: Well her daughter-in-law then...

Me: She's from Thialand and doesn't even have her green card yet.

Mom: Oh. Well...

Me: *sigh* Don't worry about it, I'll pick you up.

Mom: Oh I just knew you would. (inject perky Mom ooze sound here)

Me: How long are you staying?

Mom: Oh well, we'll see.

(god help me. That means longer than a week)

Me: Just tell me. How long are you planning to stay?

Mom: Well you see...I'm moving out of this place by May so I have to be back then to pick the colors of my new place...

Me: May? So you're staying a month?

Mom: Well we'll see...

Must. Remember. To. Breathe.


Anonymous said...


Start looking for cheap hotel rooms!

Sultan said...

Oh the humanity ...

Haphazardkat said...

Loofa: Her friend will take her for part of that month. *sigh* I forsee a long month ahead.

Loach: *slumps*

Mei said...

I am sure parents do this purposely. I am sure they find some sort of sadistic pleasure knowing their children become restless.

aafrica said...

only if we could adopt parents the way we adopt cats.

Haphazardkat said...

Mei Lian: I think so too! Although, I tell myself I will not do this to my son. Or if I do, he will actually look forward to my spending time with him. :)
See...that's how it starts...

Aafrica: Do you think the Humane Society will take her?? :D

Unknown said...

"Do you think the Humane Society will take her??"

Maybe...since she doesn't really qualify as human.



Haphazardkat said...

Kira: Humane society's euthanize after 2 weeks, right??
Hmmm...*searches for number*