She's leaving to go stay at her friends house today. *eyes the clock* 1 more hour and I'll drive her there!
Miniwarrior and I are heading to the Movies to see TNMT (teenage mutant ninja turtles) at Noon. We are going to sit in the dark, chomp junkfood, and celebrate our freedom from the Evil Wrinkled One!!
Buttery popcorn!
Finally, a few hours of peace!! Don't forget the 'Junior Mints'!!
Hope you had FUN!!!!!!!
It's me, Theresa.
"Wrinkle free?" Are you talking about your mother? (An "older American?") Hmmm...Kat, I might be as "wrinkly" as her! :-O
Laoch: YAY!
Bob: I DID have junior mints!!! We always get the kids package. It comes with a box tray of popcorn, small soda and a candy item of your choice. :D
Theresa: She's almost 81. I know. Terrible that I should make such comments hmm? But she is pure evil and I'm sure that you are not :)
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