4 months into this year and I've lost:
30 pounds
2 fangs
9 fish.
On the 5th Month I will lose:
One tumor ridden Uterus
some throat polyps.
I was informed yesterday by my Chief at work that
on the 11th month of this year I will lose:
My job.
Sometime along the way I suspect
I will lose:
My sanity.

Wow, awful news.
I am glad that you have a good support system to help you through your medical troubles.
I hope that your next job (and I have faith due to your talented nature, that you I will find a superior position somewhere else) will be fulfilling and lucrative.
Also I am sending you a virtual beer as beer is always comforting in times of trouble.
It is only that you make space for better things.
Perhaps a better name will be "The Year of Change."
Laoch: Thank you! I do have a really good support system :)
Clinks my virtual beer against yours. Cheers!
Mei Lian: I like your optimistic title better :) Year of change.
how are you feeling? you are allowed to loss your sanity for a little while. anyone would.
Aafrica: I'm feeling much better now that EWO has gone home! lol.
Thank you :)
ahhh that sucks ... I am sorry .. but I do expect you will take it in stride :)
lula: I'm made of strong stuff. Nothing keeps me down for long :)
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