The thing has been a pain in the...
Every two weeks the tank looks like it's been through the War of Algae and has lost. Big time.
So, every two weeks I've faithfully removed the fish (placing them in a bowl for safe keeping), drained the water, scrubbed the fake plants, rock and tank, and filled it back up again--depositing the fish back into their clean home.
Inevitably a fish would not survive the transfer and would end up in a zip lock baggie in my freezer, awaiting transport back to the Walmart Returns department. **Walmart sells you the fish with a 90 return policy on them--that should have been my first clue as to the stability of fish lives**
This past Saturday I tackled: Project Tank Cleaning. 2 hours of transferring, draining, scrubbing, refilling, plant setup and re transferring fish. I purchased Algae killer and new Tap water detox stuff so I was excited to see if that would keep my tank clean longer then the 2 weeks.
I fed the fish, dropped off MiniWarrior at his Dads and Evil Wrinkled One at her friends then went to go "live in sin" for the rest of the day. Next day I arrived home after work and went to go feed the fish.
All. Were. Dead.
Two lay on the rocks, one was sucked up against the filter tube and one was floating near the top of the tank.
Evil Wrinkled One stood beside me expressing her dismay at the carnage with little moans and flutters of her claw like hand. I sighed and set about scooping the carcasses and flipping them into the death glad lock baggie of Walmart Returns.
When I went to scoop the fish floating at the top of the tank, it suddenly twitched, and gasped for air. Evil Wrinkled One shrieked "It's ALIVE!" and took a step backwards clutching her ancient chest bones.
"It's pretty much dead, Mom." I said, steering the net to scoop it up.
"No!" She yelled clutching my arm. "Don't scoop it, it's alive!"
"Look at the thing. It's floating upside down. I think it's just death twitches." I pointed out, determined to scoop the fish and be done with the whole "fish tank" business.
"You''re heartless!" She cried. "You have no conscience!"
I won't even go into how ironic THAT statement was coming from the Evil Wrinkled One.
So I rolled my eyes and set the fish scooper down and closed the lid. "Alright already. I'll scoop it when it dies."
Evil Wrinkled One shuffled away from the tank muttering things about my lack of soul while I deposited the death baggie of carcasses in the freezer.
Walking back to my recliner I shot a look over to the floater and saw that it was now laying still at the bottom of the tank. Dead.
"You should scoop that fish out before it starts stinking." Evil Wrinkled One admonished upon seeing the fish carcass at the bottom of the tank.
"I will. When the Devil gives me back my Soul." I smirked.
She shook her head in Motherly disgust and walked away.

OH BROTHER! How dead does a fish need to be for pete sake!!!!!!!!! ITS A FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How you got this tank set up dear? I had one ages ago - the newer filters you just take this pad thingy out when its yucky and put a new one in. In the 4 years I had a fish tank - I never ONCE emptied and washed it! Too traumatic for the fish! And the minute amounts of soap residue are poisonous to most tank fishes.
A suggestion, in the tank, at least ONE bottom feeder like a weather loach to ...... well....clean the bottom!
PS: If you'd rather not return all the small frozen bodies to Walmart....Dragons LOVE FISH!!!!!!!!
thumps large tail and pants in anticipation while drooling small fireballs.......
Dragonlady: It has one of those pad thingies in the filter. I washed it really well the first couple of tank cleaning...I probably should have purchased a new one, though.
I had two sucker fish--algae eaters but they both died the second day in the tank. Bought one, it died, traded it in, the other one died.
I can't believe you only had to clean your tank once!! This tank would seriously get GROSS. Black and smarmy water. I don't know what I was doing wrong??
I give up though. Miniwarrior and I are going to use the tank to grow magic crystal rocks in it. We are done with fish!
p.s. Zips open the death baggie and lays the fish carcass offerings to the tail thumpin' Dragon. :D *scritch scritch*
Stay away from box stores. Visit an aquarian store.
At the aquarium store buy a Plecostomus, pleco, or plec or two depending on the size of your tank. They will eat the algae for you and cease the need for cleaning so often.
Mei Lian: I bought two of those (one at a time) and they were the first of the fish to die! :(
I think you are correct about going to a pet store vs a box store. IF I decide to do anymore fish I'll go to Petco. :)
oh my! with so many dead fish to return, are you not on Walmart's black list yet? no wonder you had such a hard time with you bike. it must have been walmart's way of paying back.
PETCO!! I've seen those poor fish at WalMart! It's like buying a Bonsai tree at Home Depot. They are dead before you buy them!!
Speaking of which ... maybe a Bonsai pet??? (I have sources!! hehehehe!!) Easier to maintain than you might think!
If not?? A little, tiny fish and chips dinner! ;)
Just a thought ..... If you ever happen to make it to So Cal, you are welcome to stay here with us!! Mini Warrior too!! We can go to Disneyland!!!!!!! LOL
Okay, here's what you do:
1. back away from the fish tank.
2. take a sacred vow to NEVER buy another fish.
Please, for the love of all aquatic animals, take these steps!
Aafrica: Hmmm...I hadn't thought of that. *taps chin in thought* Wouldn't that be COOL to be blacklisted? :D At least from Walmart! Might save me some aggrivation!
bob: I've seen pics of your bonsai's! They are gorgeous!! ewwww to tiny fish and chips..LOL!
My (birth) mother lives in Southern California :D. When Miniwarrior go out to visit her sometime, we must plan to meet!!
Jay: I'm in FULL agreement with you!!!
Maybe a nice hearty meal instead of returning the fish?
HK: I would LOVE that, as would Mrs Serious!! Disneyland sound good???
Fish tank water has to "stabilise" for a week BEFORE you even introduce fish to it. The PH goes through a huge bounce. Never drain out the tank and don't use soap. Is is near the sunshine? Natural light grows algae.
Bob: Unfortunatly, MiniWarrior cannot do Disneyland. It's too much stimulation for him. However, I was thinking of the San Diego animal place. He lovessss animals. I've discussed this with my Mom about doing a drive out there when visiting sometime. :D
Laoch: I'll invite you to dinner ;)
Jadey: Ugh :| Seems I did everything wrong except Sunshine...
We are going to stick to growing Magic rocks in the tank. No more fish for us!
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