There was a foul smell in my truck, and it wasn't coming from the fish.
It was the smell of bigotry.
EWO said:
I was in Holland last year, visiting my niece, when I met two lovely ladies in the park by my nieces house.
Each lady was carrying a small child. One a boy, one a girl.
These ladies were so lovely. So smart. One was a professor. The other was...hmm...well something professional, I can't remember.
I really liked them. Every time I saw them I would wave to them.
One day I mentioned them to my niece. She said, "Oh I know them! They sing in my choir at church. I have to tell you something, Auntie. They are Lesbians!"
Well, I gasped in shock. "Well how did they get their children?!"
"Oh. They researched sperm donors at the sperm bank and chose their future children from that. One of the lesbian ladies carried the babies."
"I tell you what..." EWO said to me as I drove, "I wondered what they would say to their children when the children were old enough to ask questions. It's so unfair to the children."
"If the children are loved they will be just fine" I said, breaking my silence.
"Well I refused to wave to them anymore." EWO said with a self righteous sniff. "How dare they do that to those poor children."
"Do what?" I asked, "LOVE their children? Provide them with a loving home?"
"They are living in sin." EWO said through pursed disproving lips.
I sighed and bit back my temper.
It does no good to argue against such blatant bigotry. The small wrinkled mind is closed.
Let's just hope that the God she worships has a bigger heart then the minuscule one that beats in bony disapproving chest of EWO.

GAWD!!!!! PLEASE!!! Don't let EWO read my last post!! lol
My parents are VERY religious and also VERY bigoted!! I've tried telling them that the two don't mix to no avail. So I have two EWOs! I WIN!! ..... erm, lose.
Hope you have a GREAT weekend, and maybe go for a bike ride??? ;-)
I agree that it is often futile to try and convince someone who is close-minded of anything.
Bob: Actually, your last post was running through my head while I was listening to EWO spout her bigotry. It made it all the harder to listen to the nonsense. I'm sorry you have TWO EWO's!!! ACK.
Loach: Sad. But true.
do you know there is a saying: Never argue with idiots. they will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.
hope you are surviving the last few hours of EWO's visit.
Aafrica: It's true, but so hard to keep quiet when they spout such bigotry!
She is gone now. Back to her home in Mexico. YAY!
My mom, while not evil or wrinkled or old, still whispers the words "He is his boyfriend" even when it is just the two of us. Because, you know, I might not understand that they are gay.
ksgrrl: must be an older generational thing...
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