Sunday, April 08, 2007

MiniWarrior Easter~ism

Shopping by the Easter aisle

Miniwarrior: Mom. Mom. MOM!

Me: What???!

Miniwarrior: I gotta have me some PEEPS. Plllllllllease. Can I have some PEEPS?!

Me: I dunno. They're so sugary and you'll get hyper...

Miniwarrior: I need. I NEED sugary goodness!

Me: You need, huh?

Miniwarrior: Oh man, Mom. I need PEEPS so much, you don't EVEN know how much!

Me: I don't, huh?

Miniwarrior: Well you see, Mom. First you gotta nibble the head and then you gotta nibble the butt and then you gotta...

Me: So, you're tellin' me you have a PEEP nibbling system down, huh?

Miniwarrior: Oh yeah.

Me: OK. You can have some PEEPS. But...

Miniwarrior: YAY! Your the BEST Mom, EVER! WOO! I get PEEPS! WOO!

Me: BUT!! You have to save them to eat at your Dads house.

Miniwarrior: Excellent idea, Mom!

Me: Hehehe. I know, son. I know.

Happy Easter, Folks!


Anonymous said...

I like the way you think!! lol Hope you bought him LOTS!!!

Happy Easter to you too

Anonymous said...

Peeps are a GOOD THING! ESPECIALLY when you are leaving them at Dads! hahahaha!

Hope you and your little family had a GLORIOUS Easter
Ether Dragon

Haphazardkat said...

Bob: 2 packages!!! hehehehehe. I'm going to pay in some karmetic way, I just know it! :D

DragonLady: I worked over Easter...however I'm sure MiniWarrior enjoyed his day with his dad and step siblings much more then my quiet house :)
How did your Easter concert go?

Anonymous said...

Peeps! Oh! PEEPS!!!!

It's me, Theresa - still wondering what, on earth, I used for a password...

I didn't know what peeps you were talking about until I saw the picture. :-O