Cast of Project Grrr:
Evil Garage Dweller
Tool Thingie
Tire Thingie

WD40 Crap

Patch Thingies
$#@! Patched Tire

Green Goop

Kat's Sanity

**How the war was (finally) won: purchased a new inner tube that had goop inside it to prevent small punctures**
Dontcha just hate it when the inanimate objects win???
I have a perfect cat picture for you, it's two of my 'babies' on the back of a couch and it looks like one of them is laughing hilariously....
Hang in there Kat! BIG HUGS, Steph
Forgot, love that "hello kitty" bike bell! Mr. RU Serious has a bell, not a hello kitty, although maybe he should... but a regular one on his cart that they use at the huge flea market there. Nothing says get your ass outta my way like the "rrrrrring, rrrrrrrrrrring" of a bike bell.
Bicycles have been a large portion of my life.
A thought for when the cloud cools and your hands do not tremble so... the chain is loose. I tell you this only so you do not become stranded after it jumps from the pedals. It can wait until you are more friendly to it. ;)
Steph: Let the bell of HK ring!!
Mei Lian: It is??? How do I tighten it?? Oh it difficult? Say no. Tell me it's easy. LIE TO ME!! *cries*
(bounces head up and down and thumps tail loudly! ) "the strife is o'er! the battle done!"
the other Dragon
Laoch: *curtsies* Thank you. Thank you. :D
Dragonlady: YAY!! *flings my paws around the thumping tail and flies around while it thumps* Weeee! :D
Congratulations! I'm glad you didn't let the bike defeat you.
Loofa: Beams proudly :D
It is easy. Use the tool thingy to loosen the wheel thingies. Push the wheel back to tighten the chain and then tighten the wheel thingies. Make sure the wheel remains straight.
See? Easy!
phew! so glad to know you triumphed. i almost thought we are at the brink of war.
btw, love the pink basket.
Mei Lian: I looked at the chain versus the back tire. My back tire is as far back as it can go without losing contact with the frame its bolted to. I think I might have to break down and bring it to the bike shop for this project!!
Aafrica: it was war!! *grins* at the pink basket compliment. It was an easter basket. All the baskets I found for bikes were hideous! :P
Oooo!! hello kitty bell! I want one for my Honda! I bought Myst a Hello Kitty collar bell-it's SO cute! dingdingdingding..hmmm, kinda irritating...
LOL! You & Beth are so funny thumping & flying :D
(OH! I bought it for her birthday, Today!)
Jadey: A HK kitty collar!! Where did you find such a thing?? Hmm...I wonder if my Guido would Claw-cent to wearing one?? :D
Glad the war was won!! (whistling "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" at the moment!) Looks as is you are more than prepared for the next bike malfunction! Now we need pics of Kat riding said bike! And not some photoshop trickery, but YOU!!
Long Live The Queen!!!
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