'scuse me while I stretch and work the kinks outta my post camping body.
Ow. ow ow ow. *shiver* ow ow ow.
Oookay. So. I set up the tents in the backyard last night and we went a-camping, as promised!
*shiver shiver* ow
It was a grand time. Grand! honest...really...*nods my head vigorously* ow ow
MiniWarrior was so excited. He was darting back and forth cooking hot dogs, burning marshmallows and squishing them to make 'smores. Then zooming off to hunt for bears and boars in the backyard. Then zzzzzzip, back again for another 'smore! lol. Too cute.
MiniWarrior wanted his tent (even though I had just bought a larger tent for us and set it up) So...my Man and I dragged it from his room. He poked his head in it ONCE then promptly claimed the larger tent as his.
It was a comfy nest in the larger tent, I must say. I had inflated the queen size air mattress then wedged it through the twin size opening on the tent. THAT was fun...
I didn't pack enough blankets though and woke up shivering at 2AM with the air mattress half inflated so the deck boards were pressing against me beneath the tent.
MiniWarrior was snoring away so I buried myself as much as possible beneath the blanket and drifted in and out of agonizing slumber until 6AM (when MiniWarrior bolted awake and declared he had to use the bathroom...NOW!! MOM...NOW!!)
We crawled into the house shivering with old Mom joints creaking. My Man was asleep upstairs. yes...UPSTAIRS. He sacrificed his spot in the tent because "darn, MiniWarrior wanted to sleep in the tent with me so there was no room." Uh huh.
He laughed at the sight of me this morning and said,"Just wait 'til I tell MiniWarrior that you want to go camping with him tomorrow night, too!"
I glared.
He belly laughed.
Until I told him:
"Yes. But this time I'll sacrifice my spot in the tent and you'll be sleeping out there!"
He stopped laughing.
Camping Nests
MiniWarrior and Campfire!
Cookin Hotdogs! Mmm
Maybe a nice hot bath?
Ooo, that looks like so much fun! The hotdogs, I mean.. and smores. Sleeping outside is another story.. I second Laoch's suggestion.
Looks like an interesting deck you've got there.
UG upon UGS!!!!
YOU are an ANGEL!!!!!
Congrats on the successful campage. Would the large tent with the pink roof happen to be a Hello Kitty brand? liking your yard!!
OOOH!!! - looks just like my yard used to.....we called it "Camp Swampy"!!!
Lots of fun!!
MiniWarrior looks like the Chef of Chef's! :)
However, for aching Mom bones - Laoch is right - nuthin Beats Calgon-take-me-away!!!!!!!!! :D
Hugs and scritches
Nice jammy-pants, Danielle Boone.
Way to tough it out.
And I'm being serious; there is NO way I ever even pretend to want to camp. As my mother used to say: "Why would I want to work 50 weeks out of the year just to spend the other 2 pretending to be homeless?"
Laochie: yeah. Definetly.
LaChanson: The hotdogs n smores were most excellent. The sleeping in tent..not so much :| Might have been different if the traffic noise wasn't so bad!
Loofa: The house is wrapped in decks. Its beautiful...but the owner hasn't been taking care of them and its been frustrating to watch their decay. That part I won't miss when I move.
Jadey: Yeah! I need all the help I can get in scoring "angelic" brownie points! LOL :D *hugsss* :D
Bob-a-roo: *snort!* Nooo. I actually bought that tent at Big 5 store. It really does look pink in the picture but it was RED. Not...that I wouldn't have TRIED to FIND a HelloKitty tent!! *hug-a-roos!*
Dragonlady: It was (actually) a lot of fun...cept for the cold achy sleep-in-tent thingie. It was worth it to see the happiness on MiniWarriors face :D *scritches!!*
Kay: LOL!! Gads...perhaps I shouldnt have put that picture up! I did get a laugh for camping decked out in pink---but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta...Pj's are soooooo flattering, aren't they? :| Lord....
LOL @ homeless!! True--so sadly true.
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