You SEE how bossy those addicts are?!
We're currently devising an intervention plan...*eyeballs Aafrica*...but for now, here's your daily kitty fix!
When wearing short sweaters, a feline must be careful to keep their legs properly together. Squeeze the knees, ladies!

Beware falling objects...and sleepy toddlers!

When confronted with evidence of destruction...feign huffy indignant pose.

If that doesn't work, camouflage yourself.

Embrace your matter how much of it there is.

No. Not THAT fluffiness!

Go forth and enjoyeth your day...cuz that's all I got.

just for me? awww, thanks for the indulgence :) lovely lovely kitties. can never get enough of them =^.^=
It is always pleasing to see felines.
GAAK! Great pix!
That toddler on top of the cat was PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!
A. Nony Moose Dragon
(rumbles away giggling.... )
PS........ CAFFEINE........more CAFFEINE!!!!!!!!
(and more kitty pictures)
itchy dragon
hahahaha.. the knock first one.. hahahahahhah
The one with the pose to look all innocent.. my Yuna is talented at that!
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