I was just drifting off to sleep when I heard my phone ring downstairs.
"Oh Gawd I'm so not answering that" I mumbled, drifting off again when I had a sudden thought that had me jerking up and slinging my legs over the bed.
MiniWarrior had started a new medication. (I had given a supply of it to MiniWarrior to give to his Step Mom when I dropped him off earlier that morning) They were probably calling wanting more details.
I stumbled downstairs and checked the caller ID. Yep. It was his Dad's number. The red eyeball indicating voicemail blinked at me. I dialed the number rubbing sleep from my eyes.
"Momma. I miss you." MiniWarriors voice said to me from Voicemail land. I felt my heartbeat catch then pinch with warring emotions: love and guilt.
I dialed his Dad's number and MiniWarrior answered.
"Hi Mom! I called 'cuz I missed you. You said I could call when I missed you!"
"Of course, Hun. I miss you too and love hearing your voice." I moved over to my chair and curled into it holding the phone close to my ear.
"How many hours has it been since I saw you?" MiniWarrior asked.
I eyed the clock. "15 hours. Wow. That's a long time, huh?"
Little boy sigh "Yeah, Mom. It sure is. I shoulda given you one more hug and kiss."
"That's okay. We'll give each other a hug and kiss on Wednesday when Momma picks you up."
"Yeah!" MiniWarrior said with a giggle. "I'll give you a great big Raspberry kiss!"
"I'm giving you one now!" Making kissing noises in the phone.
MiniWarrior giggled delighted at my silliness making kissing noises back at me.
These are the good times, Folks. The precious moments of life that fill the empty spaces with all that is warm and wonderful.

Hi Kat,
Thanks for stopping by my msn space,
Nice to meet you!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
I will be back to to visit soon.
Take care
yes - the a-nonny-moose dragon would be me - too lazy to open one more window to go get my web address and too dumb to remember what it is so........... a-nonny-moose dragon i will be for now..... (GRIN)
aren't these just the best of times???? my kids do that sometimes too..... call from dads just cuz...... i love it!
yesterday, i was in the kitchen filling up the water jug - and first one pair of arms grab me from around the shoulders - then another pair around the waist. I was caught in a GROUP HUG!!!! What a way to make a mom's day!
smiling reminiscent dragon
thanks for coming by...I also enjoy reading your comments on Kay's site. I love her...she brings the grooviest people together.
I really do appreciate everything you said. Come on back now, ya hear?
the mouse
Hey Cindy!
*sweeps off the welcome matt* Glad you came on by!
You didn't leave a link with your comment so I must confess--I had to go BACK to Bob's blog to find your blog again! *makes a note* add Cindy's blog to my blog list.
Ok. Done. :D
A-nonny-moose-silly-Dragon: LOL! I THOUGHT it was you but...I didn't wanna scritch a strange dragon! They might have taken offense and swacked them a kittykat with that scary tail yoos Dragons have!
Yes...those affectionate moments of our beasts/children make all the frustrating "why am I am MOTHER" worth it!!
Mouse: yeah Kay is the best :D she lays me OUT with laughter with her blog posts!
and Girrrl...I must say. I clicked on the WizWench linkie cuz that's what was highlighted...instead of the mouse link of yers. *fans myself* I feel like a voyeur now!
That and I suddenly feel the need for a cigerette...and I dont smoke!! ha ha ha ha ha. Dayummmm.
...obviously I don't smoke or I'd know how to spell the damn things...
oh my! that's sooo sweet.
I can't think of anything sweeter or better for a Mom's heart than to hear those words. "I love you, and I miss you."
Kat, you are doing a fantastic job with the lil guy. It shows in the fact that he knew he could call his mama in the middle of the night and know that his call would be welcomed. Makes me feel all warm and good inside.
Please give him raspberry kisses for me, and a great big HUG!
Ty for the comment on my spaces blog, it was great to hear from ya!
This post has made my morning. BIG HUGS, Steph
Aafrica: I know! :) I'll have to adjust his allowance or something... :D
Steph: Yeah. Sugar coating for the Momma heart. Gotta love it!! Thanks for the Mom kudos. At times it seems they are growing too fast and away from you then the little kid returns and they reach out to you in their sweetness. *sigh* What's a Momma to do? :)
I love your site--I don't know HOW I spaced things and didn't add you til now! old age--thats what I'm claiming. *nods nods nods my head*
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