I've been looking at buying a little house since (as you all know) the one I'm currently renting is going up for sale August 1st. It's an adorable house with a beautiful backyard--creek running through it--its a mini paradise. Except, like all paradise places, there is a snake residing there. This snakes name is State Route 14.
My beautiful little backyard butts up against it and oh. my. GOD. at the incessant, unbearable NOISE! MiniWarrior won't play in the backyard. It's too hard on him to have that much constant noise happening. He doesn't even like to sleep in his room because the noise of the traffic echo's.
So yeah. We aren't buying that house and so, we have to decide where to live next.
Thing is, I hate the thought of moving again. The work, the resetting up..etc. Bleh.
I would love to find someplace permanent to move to but have you SEEN the housing market lately? Sheesh! People are trying to pawn off mobile homes for 200k. Mobile Homes! I don't think so.
I started looking at apartments. Spent some time yesterday researching them. I figure tossing money on a rental home was using more monetary resources. I could be saving money towards the future purchase of a home just in utilities alone.
Sounds good. Right?
I zipped over to an apartment complex yesterday after work. I had scoured their website and it seemed pretty promising. Playground for MiniWarrior--a pool. The apartments were split level with an attached garage. Yes yes. All good. It would be like a minihouse until the market settled and we could buy a home of our own.
I pulled into a concrete jungle filled with dilapidated, two story buildings that sagged precariously on their cracking foundations.
Hmm. Not quite the paradise the website mentioned. I thought. But, I figured I was there already so I'd check things out.
I sat in the rental office that smelled of mothballs and mold but looked fairly nice with faux cherry wood desks and upper end plastic plants. The Rental lady took me out to look at an empty apartment. As we wound our way through the maze of discolored buildings I kept pressing down the need to run. Far. Far away. I gamely pressed on and stepped through the door of the vacant apartment with a sickly smile at the nice rental lady.
"Isn't this nice?" She beamed at me, sauntering through and turning on lights.
I stood and blinked at her clamping my mouth tight. I think a little whimper escaped because a flash of panic flickered across her eyes and she went into a flurry of sales talk, flitting through the dank, stain filled place with frantic energy trying to whip some excitement into me.
"You see? This is a wonderful kitchen. Isn't it? Isn't it?!" I looked over at the peeling formica--rectangle shotgun style space--that huddled miserably beneath a blinking florescent light.
"Um..." I looked at her then back at the kitchen and winced.
"Well, let's look at the bedrooms, shall we?" She said mincing away from the kitchen from hell and down the narrow hallway. I eyed the open front door and thought of bolting.
The bedrooms were, well--I'm still shuddering and might need some therapy to remove the rancid images from my brain.
I bolted as soon as politely possible. I headed down the road back to my house with tears of depression blurring my vision. Apartments were out of the question. I just couldn't go back to dark squares of living space surrounded by the masses of community living.
Once home, I spied the red blinking eyeball of my phone telling me there were messages. I plunked down in my chair and dialed voicemail.
It was the Realtor. She wanted to arrange a time she could come over and view the house to give the owner an estimate of what he could sell it for. I felt my heart sink as she droned on and on about scheduling visiting times and meeting times and lock boxes.
I hung up the phone and looked around my little home. Memories of the year spent there with friends and family. Done. It was finished. Time to change. To begin again.
Too much change. Too many times of starting over. My strength meter flickered below the E line. I dialed up my guy to tell him about the realtor call. He was distracted by a project he had been laboring all day on. I could hear it so I hung up the phone and felt my reserves shudder to a halt.
I flung my phone away from me. It bounced off the floor and rolled against the entertainment center...in pieces. I stared down at my broken phone and snapped.
It was all just too much. My job, my house, my family...all just too much. I sobbed while trying to piece my phone back together. A crackle. A sign of life. Somehow I was able to redial my guy...the last person I had called. The phone had gone into speakerphone mode.
"Can you hear me?"
"Please", I sobbed back into the piece of phone still working,"Can you hear me?"
"Yes! What..."
"Come over...please. I've broken my phone!"
"I'll be right over."
I curled into my sofa clutching my broken phone to me and wailed like the desperate child I had become.
He found me there, still clutching my phone and sobbing into the arm of my sofa.
"Honey. What's wrong?"
"I...I've broken my PHONE!"
He must have thought I was crazy. Actually, I think he had suspicions about the validity of my sanity before, but I think I nailed that allusive assumption down tight.
So many things broken these past 2 years. So many things lost. It felt good to finally just scream them out in a psychotic crying jag.
Things will be Okay. My guy is off today to transfer my broken phone to his old phone (he just bought one of those cool i-phones so he had a spare phone)...and we are going to look for another house we can rent in the next month.
So we are gathering up the pieces and beginning again.
Deep breath.
That's what life is all about isn't it? Beginning again. And Again. And again...
Right? ... right?

looking for a new place with such short notice is very stressful. do you have to move out on 8/1? he probably won't have it sold on the first day. let's hope the next home will turn out better. so much is happening to you, Kat. take good care of yourself.
Aafrica: I'm not planning to move until September 1st. But August 1st will begin the troop of strangers into the house to view it so I want to be out of there as soon as possible.
I worry about Guido escaping while strangers troop through. He's my indoor escape cat. He can claw a half closed door open in an instant.
Hi Kat,
Thanks for stopping by...
I hope that you can find a nice cozy home soon,
The same sort of thing happened to us, the house we had been living in (renting) for 18 years was sold right out from under us! It was a mad dash to find a place within two weeks...We found the Co-Op we live in now.
First unit we moved into was a 2 level 3 bedroom that I HATED....but then a 2 bedroom 1 level became available and was offered to me..I have now lived in this unit for 3 years with no plans on moving ever again in my life time...maybe a Co-Op or Strata is an option?
Anyway the info line got back to me this morning....I wasn't able to use the gift certificate to buy the membership....VEXING I must say! So I bought other things. Nice things but not what I really wanted...Oh well!
I hope that you have a good day and a productive house hunt.
Take care
Yes, the troop of strangers...Having to hide all your bills & lock your money up,the computers up,make the f*ckin' beds over & over...
Having to hide the litterboxes & take out the cats.
Tnight there's one at 6:30! dinnertime!
All at the same time you are dealing with a relationship, no time for real discussions..Your guy really has a heart though-mine would have never in all ten years come over.
I can understand meltdowns sweetheart-- you deserve to collaps and be a bawlbaby, we will be here w/ icecream or whatever you want-- HUGS & kisses!!!
Cindy: 18 years?!! Gads. What an upset! Is a Co-op the same as an apartment? Never heard of a Strata?
*blink blink* I feel dumb :)
Sorry to hear about the bummer over your gift certificate. I know you had your heart set on the membership thing. That sucks. What cool stuff did you end up getting?
Thanks for slipping over here and offering your support :)
Hugsss ya back :D
Jadey: Yes you totally get it!! I hate the thought of strangers trooping through my nest...but mostly I'm terrified of losing my Guido to some idiot who'll leave the door open. ARGH!!
My man is very sweet and loving. This is the first time I've ever begged him to come over like that. Usually I'm more stable. I am always amazed at his loving response to me.
*snuggle hugsss that Jadey and snitches a scoop of icecream*
Oh Kat! I'm so depressed after reading your post that I'm having trouble typing this. If only that 'mini-paradise' house had a soundwall behind it, it would be much quieter. Have you looked for nicer apartments? Have you checked out Condos? I really hope you find a nice place soon!! I'm glad that you got to have a good cry. I'll be worrying about you until you find something.
Take care sweetie.
Bob-a-roo: I'm sorry to make you so down! Selfish of me to write about frustrations when those that read about it then go through emotions of their own. Its a cartharsis for me to write--helps make the jumbled pieces inside me come together.
Things will be OK. This I know. We will find another little place to live and be happy again.
*hugssss to you, the soft hearted Bob-a-roo* *smile* Thanks for your concern and caring and friendship :) They mean a lot to me.
Hi again,
OK, Co-Ops and strata are basically the same thing But Co-Ops are mostly rental properties and are usually townhouse complexes, How our Co-OP works is that you buy shares and then pay a monthly housing charge and how much you pay depends on if you are subsidized or not AND the subsidy depends on how much income you have...understand? And you HAVE to participate on a comity or two, we have 8 different committees.
Now a strata is usually Apartments that are owned and NOT rented other then that I believe they work the same way as a Co-Op without the subsidies.
I bought a t-shirt, a hooded sweatshirt, keychain and 2 tote bags (one for the friend who bought me the gift certificate and one for me.)
There's bound to be a place that will feel like a good home for all of you, and I hope you find it soon. That's a lot of pressure for you to deal with, and finally having an answer will feel so much better.
I hope you will find a place with "heart."
Hide that escape cat!
Cindy: Oh! Sort of what we call Condo's here, I guess. :) Thanks for the info! That was sweet of you to share your gift with your friend. I'll bet she'll love the Tote! :D
Loofa: I am positive that all will work out eventually, and we will once again have peace. You are right, though, this period of unknowing is stressful!
Laoch: Home with a heart is exactly what I am seeking :) I spoke with the realtor and told her about Guido the escape cat. I will emphasis it again when I speak to her face to face.
Ya know - sometimes even the strongest of us snap - we need that emotional bomb to go off before we can deal with things rationally - and Lord knows you've weathered more than your share of emotional storms lately!
I am glad your man was there for you - this is a good sign.
I think you are wise to rent in the current housing market - of course, trying to find a rent that will work for you and MiniWarrior is not going to be easy. I have found that word-of-mouth often shows up the best rents...... that is how we got where we are.
I have a suggestion for you - why don't you see if your man will take Guido for you temporarily? I don't think I would trust a disinterested third party to watch out for my critter(s)!
The sun'll come out tomorrow - so ya gotta hang on till tomorrow - come what may.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, there's always tomorrow - its only a day away.
Lots of Hugs and Scritches
"Annie" Dragon
DragonLady: We are going to be looking at rental homes, shortly. I am going to give myself a week off from this all and allow my emotional reserves to build back up. Thats a good idea about Guido going to my Man's house. If I find that things get to crazy, that's exactly what I'll do. I know he'll take my baby. He loves Guido too.
*hugsssss n scritches!*
UGH. I know this feeling - I lived this life and these yearly moves. Damn, it never, ever gets easier (maybe on YOUR terms, but never because of someone else's).
I wish there was something I could do to help, honestly.
Keep the faith - it's gotta work out!
sayanything:) Yeah. It's frustrating and sometimes throwing mini tantrums help release stress LOL. It will work out. It always does...it just sucks.
Glad I found your site again! I've missed your blogging!
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