*lowers my reading glasses and peers out at you with a stern look*
This, my friends, is not acceptable.
I need bloggage! I have needs!
I don't care if all you have to blog about is that you're wearing your favorite pink undies today--
...actually...that's a bit disturbing and I'm not all that sure I wanna know that particular tidbit of information...
just, please, I'm begging you here....BLOG!
Don't make me fling myself on the blog floor.
It's not pretty.
Trust me.
p.s. Those of you that have been blogging. You all get gold stars and and extra 15 minutes of recess.

I'm working pretty hard on it. Honest.
I'll try harder.
It's vacation time! Our brains are mush!
Kay and Loofa, you BOTH get gold stars! Now play nice on the playground during your extra recess break.
I'll have you know missy that I've been blogging faithfully ALMOST everyday!! I even posted TWO today! (Although one was actually a comment to Kay about BUGS!!!)
So raise those reading glasses back up and VISIT!!! Oh, and get up, ok?? It's NOT pretty!!
BTW! Who told you about my panties??? Hmmmm????
I'm begging off wtih exhaustion and contractions. Does that count?
thank you for my gold star - i promise to play nice!
the still-vacationing dragon
ps...sigh - last day except for the holiday tomorrow....... boohoohoo! :(
I told him
Bob: wwwwwwwhat...I gave you a gold star!! AND visited your blog! lol. sheesh. Some peoples kids... :P
As for the undies...I'm tellin' Mrs S!!!!! LMAO!
Mrs. X: You are officially excused from this assignment. *pastes a gold star on your belly*
Is it time already for the baby??
DragonladyBeth: As it is officially near the end of your vacation, I hereby bequeath you permission to not play nice. Go forth and sin mightly!!
hehehehe...then blog about it, cuz I have needs. NEEDS!
Jadey: hugsssss you tightly
i'm still blogging, i'm still blogging!
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