Friday, October 20, 2006

Beauty Through The Eyes Of The Mini Jedi

**Playing light saber attacks with my 8yr old mini Jedi**

MiniJedi: *scoooosh scooosh* You cannot defeat me! *errrrrr errrrrr* *scooosh scooosh*

MomJedi: *KKKKshhhh KKKshhhh* I've got you now, my minijedi! *KKKshhhh KKKshhhh*

MiniJedi: (holding out hand in outward thrust motion) Feeeeeel my power! Muahahahahahaaaa!!

****phone ringing in background****

MomJedi: Hold on, miniJedi. I'll be right back.

MiniJedi: No!! You cannot escape me! WAIT!! (running after MomJedi) WAIT!!! I haven't cut off your head yet!

***miniJedi light saber hacking motions at MomJedi's neck***

MomJedi: (falls to the ground with a moan) Ohhhhh you got meeeeee! (MomJedi lays on the floor making the death face with tongue hanging out to the side)

MiniJedi: (looking down at defeated MomJedi) *SIGH* Yer so pretty, Mom. Yer the prettiest Mom ever!

MomJedi: (pries open one eyeball and grins around hanging tongue) Thanks, minijedi! You're the handsomest Jedi, too!

MiniJedi: (nods with little chest poking out with pride) Yes. We're the prettiest!

MomJedi: Indeed my young jedi, indeed.